
“ARAKAWA GRIPのある暮らし”をテーマに、鏡など住空間における吊り元を想定した専用アタッチメントをデザインしARAKAWA GRIPと組み合わせた。ピクチャーレールに留まらないARAKAWA GRIPの新たなポジションの可能性を探った。Experimental Creations 2018 Tokyo出展作品。

材料:アラカワグリップ、ワイヤー × 木、鉄、ナイロン、シリコン、綿、紙等

Conducted experiments to reassess the usability and the relationship between wires and grips by installing them on rails and hardware placed on walls and ceilings. The goal of this project is to separate the grips and wires from the preconceived notion that appoints them as an element of architecture that is installed only indefinitely.

Material:Arakawa Grip & Wire with Wood, Iron, Nylon, Silicon, Cotton and Paper

Experimental Creations Website




Photo : Junya Igarashi